Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Hello Again!

I've been finished my exams for a whole month and I haven't written one single blog post- I've been too busy chilling out and turning into a sloth watching endless TV shows on my laptop. So far I've watched 5 seasons of Gossip Girl (I LOVE!), rewatched Doctor Who and watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time. I think I'm pretty much guaranteed to have square eyes by the time I'm 30 with the amount of time I spend on my laptop.

Anyway, as always, to launch back into blogging, I've put together a little updatey collage of my last few months. My blogging lapses have become so regular since I started back in 2012 that they're routine now: I blog away all summer when I have free time, get together a few posts over Christmas when I'm off and a random post or two through the year if I'm lucky. With how focused I am with studying you'd think I could apply that to blogging, exercise and other parts of life but nope- I'm lazy when it comes to everything else!
my lecturer wore these leggings one day #absoluteawe | what I'm like in uni | jk what I'm actually like in uni | I've become obsessed with Eastenders again this year- my long lost soap love | lush baths! | maoam pinballs = fave | new bikini for holiday | me arriving at the beach this year ahaha (this pic gets me every single time)  
my uni is pretty | strawberry daiquiri mmm | exploring the library | chinese takeaway= life's special moments | my laptop broke for a few days in May & it was a very, very real struggle | brunch in TriBeCa- if you've never ate here you must- immediately | my new lamb onesie is soo cosy | cheesecake (insert heart eye emoji) | going for a catch up with girls a few nights ago

Now that we're all up to speed I'd just like to say a quick thank you to everyone for sticking around even though my posting is so inconsistent. I've got heaps of post ideas for the coming months and I'm so excited to be back!