Saturday 8 February 2020

Self-care Sats

Dancer by Colum Mccann book with I Love Tea mug on top next to rose gold candle
I've always been a bit sceptical about the term 'self-care' as when it first became a thing when I was in uni it always seemed a bit self-indulgent and well, shallow. 'Feeling blue? Paint your nails and put on a face mask.' I got where people were coming from but thought the whole thing was a bit naff.

However, fast-forward a couple of years where I'm now working a hectic job Monday to Friday, self-care is essential. I've got a much better insight into the need to recharge and come back to yourself. If nothing else, when you have limited free time you realise the need to make the most of it.

With the motivation of a new year wearing off, and Valentine's Day just around the corner, there's no better time to regroup, celebrate yourself and spread the love to everyone around you - family, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends...

Ideas for self-care and generally spreading the love: 

  • Make yourself a cup of tea. Honestly, it seems simple, but this is the number 1 thing I do for other people in difficult situations. So why wouldn't you do it for yourself? I was feeling really ill in work a few weeks ago and one of my coworkers made me a really sugary cup of tea and I thought it was the sweetest (pardon the pun) thing ever and was hugely appreciated.
  • Sort your space. This is so key for me! I feel like I can't do anything until I have a tidy and clean environment. I always stick on a podcast and zoom through my housework. Last year I also became obsessed with indoor plants. Apparently there are brilliant benefits in terms of sleep and mood of having house plants in your space. For me, a clean and organised space makes for a clean and organised life and really gives me a feeling of being in control.
  • Do something you love that nourishes you, whether that's your mind, body or soul. It's really easy to hit the weekend and just want to slob because you feel burned out. I'm definitely guilty of this. If you make the effort to do a tangible activity or hobby, you're tapping into the deep joy and sense of accomplishment that only comes with doing something you truly love. At the moment for me this is going swimming, crocheting, blogging, walking in nature, meditating, learning French, and doing a Digital Marketing qualification alongside my job. For you, it might be painting, practising makeup, volunteering, going for a run - the list is endless.
  • Get together with the people who make you happy. I'm definitely someone who enjoys my own company however sometimes when I spend too much time alone my mind starts going into overthinking overdrive. A great way to get out of that funk is to arrange to meet up with your friends, your gals, your family, your partner. Plan something you enjoy - whether that's a cosy movie night, walk in the park, dinner out or exploring somewhere you've never been. I always come away from my little community gatherings (that's how I think of 'my people') feeling energised, inspired and filled with lots of laughter.
  • Yoga all the way! I have practiced yoga for a few years now and it never fails to surprise me how zen and at peace I feel after a class. I can go to yoga with an absolutely buzzing mind and come out like I'm floating on clouds. I recently read 'Happy' by Ferne Cotton and I thought she put it really well when she says that in yoga, you're so focused on holding a pose that your mind can't distract you with worries or to dos. I'd also say the more challenging the pose, the more focused your mind is and becomes totally clear from that point on.
  • Reading is another great way of getting inspiration or getting lost in the story. I'm currently reading 'Dancer' by Colum McCann which I found in a charity shop. I often say Colum McCann is my favourite author even though I've only ever read one of his books 'Transatlantic'. I guess that speaks volumes for how great that book is. 
  • Show someone you care - do something that will make their life easier or get them a thoughtful gift. If you do have a Valentine or Galentine, or just want to treat yourself, Funky Pigeon* do a great selection of Valentine's gifts which you can personalise. From photo blocks and keyrings to mugs and totebags, you can give a unique gift by printing an inside joke, a special photo or a heartfelt message. The quality of this gold initial tote bag is better than any others I've had because the canvas is really thick. I'm especially excited to take this I heart mug into work as it's a big of an ongoing joke how much tea we all drink (seriously... like a cup an hour all day everyday). 

I hope I've given you lots of inspiration for how to show love to yourself and others. 

Do let me know in the comments how you'll be celebrating Valentine's Day, or Galentine's Day, or generally celebrating yourself.

*Thanks to Funky Pigeon who were kind enough to send me two of their personalised Valentine's Day gifts to be included in this post. As always, all opinions are my own.

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