Wednesday, 7 January 2015

15 Things I've Learned In My First Semester

I've just completed my first semester of first year in university and I thought I'd share some snippets of the many experiences I've had/ things I've learned. I'm living at home so my experiences are probably quite different to many of yours. I'd love to hear if you can relate to any. Please note this is pretty tongue-in-cheek and I did actually also learn academic things- ish. 

1. You need to take out a mortgage to buy books.
2. Lecturers are bonkers. 
3. Its nowhere near as difficult as I expected to make new friends.
4. Bring your own toilet paper if you visit halls.
5. You never feel on top of anything. Ever.
6. The people who say 'I done so and so during uni because of all the free time I had' are lying. No time is free. Except for the occasional (ahem) night out of course.
6. Don't watch the movie instead of reading the book (it'll save the confusion of how Romeo can possibly be chased by helicopters and how guns were around in the 16th century).
7. Reading journal articles is a great way of falling asleep.
8. Attending lectures is another great way of falling asleep (don't worry- I attended every single one. I just slept a lot).
9. Often you can't get a computer in the library because everyone is so darn studious.
10. Going up to the 10th floor of the library to look at the view is a fun but completely futile use of spare time.
11. Beware of the potential serial killer in the lift on the way to said 10th floor.
12. After lectures you might think 'YEAH that was totally inspiring' and 'WTF was that about?!' simultaneously.
13. Mochas are always a good idea.
14. After reading Shakespeare, Milton, Eliot, Wordsworth and countless others, below is, to me, the single most amusing, inspiring, memorable and relatable piece of poetry I was introduced to in my course.
a luscious green forest with path typed over are the lines 'Where did you come from \ where did you go \ where did you come from \ cotton eye joe'
15. Finally, the most important lesson I've learned is to make sure you know what hall you're in for each exam BEFORE you go in to sit it. It'll save the panic when realising you're in Economics instead of English Lit after the exam has started- yep, I really did do this.


  1. What course exactly are you studying? xxx

    1. I'm doing English Lit with English Language and Sociology- no economics lol xx

  2. This post made me laugh out loud, especially when you said you sat in the wrong exam - what did you do?! Did you have to miss your exam?! I've just completed my first semester at uni too, but I'm living in halls so the lessons I've learned are pretty different - I've realised it's totally acceptable to lie in until 4.30pm on a Saturday...

    Emma x

    1. I'm so glad you liked it- I wasn't sure how it would go down! Well it was my 2 friends and I sitting in Economics and it had started and we just sprinted out of the place lmao! Thank goodness we were allowed into English Lit 5 mins late. You should do a post of the lessons you've learned! Oooo that sounds very, very appealing- I do love a lie in xx

  3. You don't need Uni to know that mochas are always a good idea! Coffee and chocolate, mmm!

    1. Lol I'm 18 and have only JUST started drinking coffee. For years I thought it was absolutely vile but when I started uni I thought right I'm going to need to make myself like it to stay awake. Now I like coffee and sleep anyway xx

  4. This brings back memories! Luckily I didn't have to buy many books while I was at university so managed to hold on to a tiny bit of my student loan before it was rinsed on accommodation! Best of luck with your studies :) xx

    1. Aw thank you very much :) Lucky you! This semester isn't as bad as last thank goodness though xx

  5. in America, we have a used books store.. or u can buy books from previous students.. or even rent books! as for lecturers being bonkers, totally agree.. one of my experiences was during an exam, they treated us like we were in a government facility where we had to have our driver's license on the desk to show them.. uhm.. what the heck?


    1. That's so handy! I did go to the second hand store but the set texts were in such high demand I couldn't get them. Hahaha I wouldn't put that past them! xx

  6. love this post! i've just finished my first semester too and i'm also living at home woo! agree on falling asleep in lecture too haha!

    1. I'm so glad! I'd love to read if you done one similar. Yes- its such a struggle to stay awake xx

  7. I loved this post, and can really relate as my first semester felt exactly the same. Luckily enough I only needed to buy my books in the first year and then one in the final, but gosh I had such a hard time trying to sell mine hehe.

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

    1. I'm so glad! I didn't know what to expect in university but I was still like 'whoa' when I went! That is lucky- hopefully it'll be similar for me xx

  8. We have been at Uni for 3 years, and you're spot on! Once you finish one assignment, you don't have time to celebrate because the next one is due! Don't worry, you'll get a hang of it :)

    M + K

    1. Oh my goodness tell me about it! I can't imagine making it through 3 years- though I couldn't imagine making it through my first semester until I actually did. Thank you :) xx

  9. I loved this post! I've just sent off my Uni applications and this post definitely had me giggling, and by the sounds of things, I need to start saving up for books now! haha! Thanks for sending your link over in the twitter chat!

    Heather, porcelainbeautyx

    1. Such a lovely comment thank you! Haha probably but student loan will definitely cover it xx

  10. Uni books are SO expensive! The last point made me laugh so much, how did that happen? x

    Josie’s Journal

    1. Tell me about it- I bought my novels for the new semester today. I didn't cry quite as much at the price than I did last time around though. The place where the exams are is like a maze, I didn't double check I was in the right place and I just shrugged off the fact I didn't recognize a soul- lol! xx

  11. I've wrote a similar thing over at my blog, been a first year as a fresher is weirdly wonderful!!

  12. These are so sooooo true! Death by powerpoint! I'm in my second year now, and I can tell you, it only gets worse! But you just need to think, it will all be worth it in the end!! xx

    Abi |

    1. Relieved its not just me lol! Ah no don't say that hahaha xx
