Sunday, 17 August 2014

Ellie Goulding Love

open magazine with first third unreadable text next two thirds large headshot of blonde woman with pink eyeshadow and lips
blonde woman in denim lying down in magazine
headshot of girl with brown hair looking down with pink eyeshadow and pink lips
messy selection of various makeup products next to magazine above
I do this all the time. Someone, usually a celebrity, comes onto my radar and something about them inspires me or sparks my interest. I then try to find out everything about them. I want to know their favourite products, how they got to where they are now, where their clothes are from. Heck my obsession with Caroline Flack a couple of years ago got to the point that I bought a dress just because she wore the same one on Xtra Factor (albeit the dress was very pretty- she does have amazing style). Anyway, I aspire to the person almost to the point of stalkerism until the phase slowly mellows out. 

Right now I just love Ellie Goulding.

It began seeing her perform live at T in the Park. She was a real stand out and I definitely didn't expect her to be as good as she was. I loved how much energy she put into her set. I then began to think how I actually liked a lot of her songs too. I then read this months issue of Glamour magazine which she is on the cover of. I was sold. I love her hair, her figure, her clothes. Whats more she seems lovely, mellow and down to earth. 

Now, I'm fully aware that I look nothing like her. That fact didn't stop me wanting to take inspiration from her makeup look in Glamour and try to recreate something similar. Never would I usually use pink eyeshadow and pencil liner on my top lashline. I am fully committed to my earthy tones and black liquid eyeliner. Surprisingly though, I found that stepping out of my usual makeup comfort zone was a great idea. I loved the eyeshadow! It took quite a while to do as I was cautious of looking like I had pink eye or like I was on my way to a rave but it actually turned out really well.

I've not went into detail about the products I used but if you're interested just leave a comment and I'll let you know.

What do you think of my attempt? Do you like Ellie Goulding?

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