Monday, 17 September 2012

Organisation | Nail Polish Storage

Hey Everyone!

Being the organisational freak that I am, I am constantly trying to find effective storage solutions for my ever growing collection ofstuff. (The term stuff covering make up, perfume, books, clothes, pretty much everything!). A couple of weeks ago, I had the 'genius' idea of making my own shelves out of an old shoe box and cardboard. Lets just say it didn't quite work out- paper shelves can't support multiple nail polish bottles. I ended up with bottles slipping off hitting my feet and me jumping around- not good. Anyway, it was at that point (well after nursing a few almost broken toes) that I realised my failed DIY shelves could make great dividers and I could turn the box on its back to make this cool nail polish organisation.
pink shoe box lined with pink tissue paper with navy DIY paper dividers separating lots of nail polish bottles
I have placed most of the bottles upside down so I can easily see which colour is which. I have arranged the bottles in order of brand on the left and right, then the small bottom compartment is random bottles and the small top compartment is bits and bobs like nail files, scissors and mini nail polish sets.

I don't think this will be my permanent storage but I think its a neat and compact way to store my polishes until I find a better option. I would really like a wall rack but I can't seem to find any affordable ones. 

How do you store your nail polishes? Would you like to see more organisation posts?
pink and green floral text with fine brown outline reading 'Julz'


  1. Aw such a smart organisation technique! Mine are all in a box haha.

    xo, - Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle Blog!

    1. Thanks! It has went to pot a bit since I pictured it all though! xx

  2. Could you perhaps do a nail polish collection post?? X

    1. Sure, I will film a video of the whole thing and perhaps a series of posts with more in depth reviews :) Thanks for the suggestion xx
