First up- candles! I absolutely love them. These two scents, Yankee Pink Dragon Fruit and the Copenhagen Candle Company Fig & Herb are my all time favourites. I had the Fig & Herb candle a few years ago and its very associated in my mind with blogging. You can smell these around the whole house when they're lit. They last absolutely ages too. I definitely think there's something about having candles burning that makes a room so much more cosy and calming.
It isn't specifically just this book which makes me happy but rather the whole concept of mindfulness, meditation and having a positive outlook. I have been doing yoga since last January and I am totally addicted. It feels like I'm floating out the class afterwards and it is so good for strengthening the body and mind. In a world of smartphones, deadlines and constant distractions, I've never realised how amazing it feels to be present in the moment and focus on something so simple as breathing. After reading The Secret a few years ago I'm also very interested in the law of attraction, visualisation and positive affirmation.
Something that never fails to make me happy is sleeping. My mum made me this gorgeous crochet blanket last winter and it is the cosiest thing ever. I wear it round my shoulders when I'm cold like a little old lady. I love being tucked up with a snack reading or watching something. In uni when we're doing the ice breaker 'what's your hobby' people answer really impressive things like 'playing the piano' or 'charcoal painting'. I say: 'lying down and watching tv' - #slothlife.
I've been meaning to share this gorgeous Victoria's Secret makeup bag with you all for such a long time. I got it at the Glasgow Airport store for around £12. Truth be told, I definitely didn't need another makeup bag but I have a weakness for Victoria's Secret things. It's so lovely that I've actually just displayed it in my room since I bought it. I do that quite often with really beautiful products- use them as decor.
Let me know in the comments what makes you happiest :)